
The Biopal System for Sustainable and Economic Development
Biopal.ML Landbouwproject Uitdagingen


Technological know-how and modern techology.

Stimulating entrepreneurship taking into account environmental aspects.

The majority of the local population in Kayes is highly motivated and shows a strong commitment to improving their lives.

Cooperation with local NGOs ensures respect for cultural aspects and there are good contacts with decision-makers at higher administrative levels.

Close social network that is widely accessible to all sections of the population.

The population of Kayes is showing an interest in ecological measures to combat desertification and use environmentally friendly energy sources.

Strategic location thanks to its proximity to the airport and central location.

Malian youth are closely involved and have a high degree of autonomy in taking decisions.

Working points

High illiteracy rate

Extreme weather conditions require a high degree of adaptability

Constant energy supply is a challenge

High degree of corruption

Interest of senior officials rather low

Capacity of solar panels low due to high temperatures and cloud cover.


Possibility to extend to other species as well as to other locations

Increased demand can easily be met by increasing the number of chickens.

Little to no existing chicken breeding

The main target group are women who gain more self-confidence and the opportunity for education to play a more active role in society.

Import of chicken waste from Europe can be stopped

Other opportunities for prosperity are created for the local youth.

Positive perspectives at home create a pull-back effect.


Disease and extreme heat periods

Randomness of the state

Uprisings and terrorist attacks